"Extremist platforms: political consequences of profit-seeking media" with Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay and Jaideep Roy, International Economic Review, forthcoming (August 2020)

"Bidding rings: a bargaining approach" with Manipushpak Mitra and Conan Mukherjee, Games and Economic Behavior, forthcoming (in the Special Issue dedicated to John Nash)

"Credibility and strategic learning in networks" with Bhaskar Dutta, International Economic Review, forthcoming

"Decentralised bilateral trading, competition for bargaining partners and the 'law of one price'" with Kaustav Das, International Journal of Game Theory, 44, 4, 2015

"A Game-Theoretic Model of Tenure" with R.C. Marshall, in Game Theory and Business Applications, (Chatterjee and Samuelson ed.), June 2013

"Formation of citation networks by rational players and the diffusion of ideas" with Avantika Chowdhury, in special issue on social and economic networks (edited by S. Goyal and A. Galeotti), Review of Network Economics, Vol. 11, Iss. 3, 2012

"Pre-electoral Coalitions and Post-election Bargaining" with Avantika Chowdhury, in special issue on social and economic networks (edited by S. Goyal and A. Galeotti), Review of Network Economics, Vol. 11, Iss. 3, 2012

"A "Dual Self" Representation for Stochastic Temptation" with R. Vijay Krishna, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol. 1, No. 2: 148-167, August 2009

"A geometric approach to continuous expected utility" with R. Vijay Krishna, Economics Letters, Vol. 98, 1: 89-94, 2008

"Strategic Audit Policies without Commitment", with Sanford Morton and the late Arijit Mukherji, in Pareto Optimality, Game Theory and Equilibria edited by Athanasios Midgalas (Crete), Panos Pardalos (Florida) and Leonidas Pitsoulis (Thessaloniki), July 2008, Springer Verlag (Berlin)

"Technology Diffusion by Learning from Neighbors" with Susan H. Xu, Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 36, No.2: 355-376, 2004

"Rivals Search for Buried Treasure: Competition and Duplication in R&D" with Robert A. Evans, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 15, no. 1: 160-183, Spring 2004

"Communication Links and Coalition Bargaining" with Gary Bolton and Kathleen Valley, Management Science, May 2003

"Multiperson Bargaining and Strategic Complexity" with Hamid Sabourian, Econometrica, November 2000

"Bargaining and Search with Incomplete Information about Outside Options" with Ching Chyi Lee, Games and Economic Behavior, 22, no. 2: 203-237, Feb. 1998

"A Non-Cooperative Theory of Coalitional Bargaining" with B. Dutta, D. Ray and K. Sengupta, Review of Economic Studies, 60(2), 463-477, 1993

"Perfect Equilibria in Simultaneous Offers Bargaining" with Larry Samuelson, International Journal of Game Theory, 1990, 19, 237-267

"Bargaining under Two-Sided Incomplete Information: The Unrestricted Offers Case" with L. Samuelson, Operations Research, 36(4), 1988

"Bargaining with Two-Sided Incomplete Information; An Infinite Horizon Model with Alternating offers" with Larry Samuelson, Review of Economic Studies, 54 (2), 175-192, 1987

"Sequential Research and the Adoption of Innovations" with Sudipto Bhattacharya and Larry Samuelson, Oxford Economic Papers, Special Issue on Industrial Organization, November 1986. (Reprinted in D.J. Morris et al., Ed., Strategic Behaviour and Industrial Competition, Oxford, 1986)

"Bargaining under Incomplete Information" with W. Samuelson, Operations Research, September-October 1983, pp. 835-851. (Reprinted in Bargaining under Incomplete Information, edited by P. Linhart, R.Radner and M. Satterthwaite, Academic Press 1992. Reprinted in Paul Klemperer (ed.) The Economic Theory of Auctions, Edward Elgar, 2001)

"Incentive Compatibility in Bargaining under Uncertainty" Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1982

"Comparison of Arbitration Procedures: Models with Complete and Incomplete Information" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 11(2): 101-109, 1981